Putting together your logo and selecting a domain for your business can be challenging. Not so much to create a branding mark for your business but putting together the right one.
Couple main factors in starting your branding is to answer a few basic questions:
What is the product/service you provide?
Where do you provide it?
How do you provide it?
This is a simple form of the exercise to gather the very basics of what your branding logo should exemplify.

In this example branding logo we created the mark was to focus on providing affordable custom countertops in granite and marble.

Visual representation
countertops is the main product that the company is providing. By making the A out of the countertops from the word affordable this creates an interesting connection in the mind and makes the mark that much more memorable. Its also very clear what granite and marble services are provided by the company. Countertops.
(How do you provide it?) By position as affordable this defines the price value to the customer. The word is integrated into the design of the countertop in the mark.
(What is the product/service you provide?) since the mid 80s granite started to become a desirable surface for countertops. Although out of range for the general public in recent years this product has become main stream and highly desirable for retail consumption. Other products are also now available for countertops but granite continues to lead the residential market. Granite is also used for other applications such as steps posts and headstones etc. With the visual of the countertop surface its clear that these other application are not what this company is doing
The domain that was selected was AffordableGraniteNH.com
(Where do you provide it?) is answered in the Domain selected to signal to the search engines that we want to be listed in this market area and not nationally.
The more work that you branding mark can do to make these connections the more memorable it will be. ensuring that the mark is clear at both a large format and a small format.
Making sure that the mark works in full color and in black and white.
These are some of the basic reequipments for creating a mark for your business.
Contact us If you would like to develop a brand and mark for your business.